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After successful company approval, employees of the company must apply for accreditation. To achieve accreditation, an individual has to be vetted and approved by the Chief Police Officer of the area they work in and have successfully completed the required training by an approved training provider.

What does the training involve?

There are 2 types of courses:

CSAS Training Course

A basic course for non-traffic management officers and takes approximately 60 hours. This can be classroom or online/virtual.

Traffic Management

A course with a practical element.
Takes approximately 20 hours.

Key considerations:

  • Which course depends on the role employees are doing. Employees are only required to complete both if their role demands it
  • For both courses, employees must sit and pass an exam and cannot be accredited without a pass
  • Training must be renewed every 3 years
  • Costs and durations vary per training provider

Course Content

Course content can vary but will contain the following mandatory subjects:

  • The extended police family and Community Safety Accreditation Schemes and current legislation that is relevant to Community Safety Accreditation Schemes, Accredited Persons and the powers that may be exercised

  • Diversity and social inclusion within communities
  • Interpersonal social skills in the community

  • Risk assessment and personal safety

  • Conflict management and assertiveness

  • Recording evidence and details of incidents

  • Community safety problem solving and crime reduction in communities

  • Accredited Persons action at crime scenes or incidents

Further Pathways are available as required for a variety of specific roles such as traffic offenses, firework offences or fixed penalty offences. Employees will be granted the relevant accreditation as deemed necessary by the Chief Officer of the force in which the employee is working.

Who provides training?

The Police Crime Prevention Academy (PCPA) have been appointed as the body responsible for endorsing CSAS & RSAS training providers which encourages a national standard to the training.

A full list of CSAS training providers can be found on the Academy website.

How can I become a training provider?

Approved training providers have to follow the specifications which have been developed in consultation with representatives of:

They are updated regularly to ensure relevance and accuracy.

If you are interested in applying, please contact us.